About Us

Why…hello there!

Welcome to our blog! My name is Linda, and my husband is Timm. We’ve been dating since 2000 and married since 2006.

Timm grew up as an Army brat (well, a Navy brat technically) and has lived everywhere from the tropical islands of Guam, to exotic…Germantown, MD, while I grew up in glorious New Jersey (near Philly – not near New York). We now live in Baltimore, MD with our beautiful (albeit slightly tubby) chocolate-Siamese cat, Spooky. I’m sure she’ll make appearances from time to time in pictures. We’re 30-somethings who just bought our first house on October 14, 2011 (the day after my birthday).

We’re working our way through our humble abode, trying to do as many things as possible ourselves. Keep watching, and I’m sure you’ll see us succeed above all means…and fall flat on our faces more than once. We’ll share it all with you, our lovely readers. As we share, though, make sure to share yourselves with us, too! What’s the fun of just reading a blog? Throw your two cents in (literally, if you’d like. I’m kidding. Sort of. No, I’m kidding! …kinda.)

Thanks for reading!

6 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Uncle Fred says:

    I love it!!!!
    Uncle Fred

  2. Ali F says:

    this pic of you guys is so totally awesome it makes me want to cry.

    • haha! I swear that the two of us don’t have the ability to take a normal picture together. Even at our wedding, the photographer got frustrated with us since we wouldn’t pose like normal people. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      xoxo Linda

  3. momabie says:

    This is literally this first blog that I have looked at on WordPress and, honestly, we have a lot in common! My husband and I have been together since ’01- married in ’09, bought our house may 11′ and got our puppy bassett hound, June, last summer as well. It is reasuring that there are 30 somethings that are in the exact same boat as us!! Thanks for making “my first blog read” comforting! Have a great day!

  4. MoMabie says:

    I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. I think your blog is bad ass. http://fifty5cents.wordpress.com/2013/01/13/versatile-blogger-award-me/

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